Explore the Range of handcrafted artworks…

Callum Pankhurst is an exceptional designer and artist who specialises in creating extraordinary, one-of-a-kind artworks, jewellery, and fixtures. His extensive experience and talent are evident in the unique pieces he produces which are infused with a sense of beauty and functionality.

With a meticulous eye for detail, Callum ensures that each creations is not only aesthetic but also functional. Whether it's a captivating sculpture, an exquisite piece of jewellery, or a custom-designed fixture, his work is crafted with immense care and attention to detail.

Callum's diverse range of creations showcases his versatility as an artist. From intricate sculptures that capture the essence of his subjects to stunning jewellery pieces that reflect elegance and style, his portfolio demonstrates his ability to adapt his skills to various mediums and forms.